What does the future hold?

Find out what the Bible says about your future

What does the future hold?

Find out what the Bible says about your future

Secrets of Prophecy

The future can be fearful because of the “unknown”

  • Discover the words that predicted 2500 years of history

  • Can knowing the past help you understand the future?

  • Are there further predictions that impact you?

  • Decide for yourself if these predictions in the Bible will affect you.

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All of us long to connect with someone who can:

– Identify with our circumstances
– Share in our day-to-day life
– Empathise with our problems
– Be completely non-judgmental
– Be excited with our successes
– Just listen

Can knowing the past help you understand the future?

Wondering what will happen to you, your family, the
planet? The Bible provides a road map for thousands of years of history that has come true with more to come. Find out what the future holds for you. You may be pleasantly surprised!

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