PRAYER- How can I Pray?
When you think about prayer, what comes to mind?
What is Prayer?
“Prayer is opening up your heart to God as to a friend.” — Ellen White, Steps to Christ.
Why Should We Pray?
• Our relationship with God grows through prayer.
• Prayer gives us spiritual strength and power.
• God can guide our lives when we pray.
• We experience peace when we pray.
• God wants to hear from us and have a conversation with us.
The Way God Answers Prayer
There are at least three key ways that God can answer your prayers:
1. “Yes! I can answer your prayer!”
2. “No. You are asking for something I know will not be good for you.”
3. “Wait… You need to be patient and trust Me, that I know the right time to answer your prayer.”
Sin can be a barrier to having good communication with God. We need to be honest with God and allow Him to cleanse us from sin.
How Can I Pray?
• You can talk openly with God anytime, anywhere.
• Jesus gave us a good model for prayer called “The Lord’s Prayer,” which is found in Matthew 6:9-13.
• The ACTS acronym is another model you can use to structure your prayers:
Appreciate God’s character,
Confess anything that you have said or done which is sinful and destructive,
Thank God for what He has done in your life,
Share with Him any needs that you or the people around you have.
Have you ever tried praying before? How did it go?
Think About
- What difference do you think prayer can make in someone’s life?
- What would you like to ask God for today?
- Write your prayer down and watch how God works.
- Steps to Christ, Chapter 11: The Privilege of Prayer — Ellen White
- Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God — Timothy Keller
- Moving Mountains: Praying with Passion, Confidence and Authority — John Eldredge
Would you like to start making prayer a part of your daily life?